could not resist the ridicuolusly stupid play on words. HA.
phew! busy day! half the office was out today for various reasons so everyone else had to work 3 times harder. of course this meant i was on my feet more than usual, and DAMN, my legs are sore.
so as a little treat to myself after work i stopped at macys to spend my ancient gift cards. i figured with 25 bucks i could get a cute clearance purse or something. clearance purses, yes, cute no. pass on the purses. i supressed the urge t buy earrings (i don't wear them but i love them) and the idea of buying clearance boots was ruined by the fact that even on clearance they were all still over $50!
so i cruised over to the clinique counter and was asking about their 3 step system. i got ddmg for christmas and i love it, so i figured i'd try out the rest of the system. and i got the cleanser and the clarifying lotion and i even had 13 cents left on my gift card. whee!
i'm really hoping that i can get in the habit of using this stuff because i'm really sick of having freaked-out skin. but the good thing is that if i really don't like it i can take it back and either try different levels of the stuff, or return it altogether.
so it was a good shopping day, but i get home and i have way too much to do to get ready for my trip next week, and my internet is running slow. so it's time for me to be productive!
Monday, February 7, 2005
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