so, i'm talking with a friend up on campus, and whaddyaknow? turns out she also had a crush on loser boy but is now dating someone who happens to be loser boy's roomate. we had a nice long talk. with lots of laughing. it's so nice to know that he acts like a freak all the time and it wasn't some weird anomaly back in november. after all, all i had to go on was everyone telling me how nice he is... but it will be nice to have someone to laugh at him in class with. ;-) i know. evil evil.
Tuesday, January 30, 2001
i absolutely love deirdre flint.
i absolutely love deirdre flint. this gal is hysterical. i especially like the cheerleader song. haaaaaahahaha. ;-)
Saturday, January 27, 2001
i have this weird thing
i have this weird thing for dishes. i can't stop buying them!! currently, i have everyday dishes, casual occasion dishes, special occasion dishes, breakfast dishes, cute rainbow plastic picnic dishes, and now pretty sushi dishes. and i have my eye on purple and pink summer/outdoor dishes, but i'm waiting for them to go on sale. ;-) yeah, i know, i'm a freak.
Thursday, January 25, 2001
one of my goals this
one of my goals this year is to learn how to cook. it's not like i ruin everything i try to make, on the contrary, i think i'm a better cook than most people i know. but i always feel so much more satisfied when i make something like a meal (tonight i made a chicken teryaki bowl with broccoli, mmm) as opposed to something in a box with a flavor packet. i guess the first step would be to go to the grocery store more often. ;-)
listening to: terra deva - lethal
listening to: terra deva - lethal
it's wet here in cali.
it's wet here in cali. while i was at work, it started raining very, very hard, and then it hailed for a good 5-7 minutes. by the time i got out of work over an hour later, the ground was still icy and crunchy, and there were even piles of what looked like, ~gasp~, snow. it wasn't snow, but the novelty of it was still really cool. i have to say, though, i'm really glad i don't live in a snowy place. rain is bad enough, thank you.
listening to: jude - i know
listening to: jude - i know
so, my senior comprehensive oral
so, my senior comprehensive oral exam is next week. read: i have to pass this to get out of college. can we say i'm freaking out? yeah, just a tad.
listening to: ricky m. and christina a. - nobody wants to be lonely
listening to: ricky m. and christina a. - nobody wants to be lonely
Tuesday, January 23, 2001
so, re-formatting my computer worked
so, re-formatting my computer worked great, and now i can use my mouse again. except i decided to be all clever and save my mail folders and just stick them in netscape when i re-installed. but NO, it's not working and i'm getting really pissed.
listening to: loveline
listening to: loveline
Monday, January 22, 2001
so, i think i'm gonna
so, i think i'm gonna totally wipe out my computer tomorrow. it's funny, i've got all this stuff to back up and i only have so many cd-rw's, so i need to delete and re-assess and re-arrange things so they all fit just right. and of course, instead of doing that so i can get this annoying task over with, i'm watching comedy central. procrastinating is so fun...
Friday, January 19, 2001
well, i'm trying out netscape
well, i'm trying out netscape six for a few days before i completely re-format my hard drive. i'm not too sure if i like it - mostly because they moved and changed everythng and something that once used to be second nature is now a bit more difficult and mildly irritating. rrg.
my friend alex always has
my friend alex always has great music reccommendations for me, and he comes through yet again - coldplay is pretty damn good.
Thursday, January 18, 2001
i love, since i've
i love, since i've been a professional crusher since i was just a little tyke. i started about four stories to send to them, but they never seemed right... but there is a new crush in my life, so maybe i'll have a story with a happy ending to send to them soon.
Wednesday, January 17, 2001
i was watching vh1's 100
i was watching vh1's 100 greatest rock and roll albums countdown. all great stuff - i was just totally floored that grace was on there. it took me a while to warm up to jeff buckley, but now i just love him.
Tuesday, January 16, 2001
i'm really frustrated with my
i'm really frustrated with my news server. i download really BIG sound files from the phish binaries group, and sometimes it goes at light speed and other times it goes really damn slow. it's not usually that big of a deal but i'm two days behind and i'm worried that things are gonna start dissapearing off the server. rrg.
Monday, January 15, 2001
if anyone feels like buying
if anyone feels like buying me a belated birthday present - i want these softest leather pants from the gap. size 14, and in pearl blue, please. and they're on clearance! anyone? bueller? bueller?
so, last night i headed
so, last night i headed in to san jose for the second time this week to check out the house over at bethel. i know it sounds like a really bizarre thing - to go to church on your birthday, but you know, i'm really glad i went - it's been a long time since i've been and i really missed it.
Sunday, January 14, 2001
Saturday, January 13, 2001
after barely a month of
after barely a month of this new layout i'm getting tired of it. this is annoying because i don't have time to redesign my page but i know as soon as i come up with something good i'll be staying up until 4 a.m. working on it. grr.
Friday, January 12, 2001
yay - new toy! i'm
yay - new toy! i'm really happy, too, since my old one's been broken for months.
and to make the day even better, me and my mom went to see o brother, where art thou?. this is the second time i've seen it, and i've got to say - it's a damn good movie. i can't wait to get the soundtrack.
and to make the day even better, me and my mom went to see o brother, where art thou?. this is the second time i've seen it, and i've got to say - it's a damn good movie. i can't wait to get the soundtrack.
i'm so annoyed right now
i'm so annoyed right now - i forgot to add one of my classes and now i have to run around trying to get a permission code - except everyone is gone by now and then monday is a holiday so i'm not going to be able to do this until tuesday. if i have to pay a late enrollment fee i'm gonna be pissed.
Wednesday, January 10, 2001
so, i drove back to
so, i drove back to san jose tonight in the pouring rain because my mom's neighbor was nice enough to give her two tickets to amtsj's production of copacabana.
yeah, that's right, the barry manilow musical.
now, normally, amtsj puts on a pretty good show, and every theater kid in the valley dreams of doing a show there. granted, i have issues with the sound in that theater... but i digress.
the show blew. it was horrible. to put it bluntly, it sucked frozen hosewater. there was barely polite applause (with the excption of the drunk person sitting in house right who kept going, "go lola!!" and "wooooo!") and i felt bad for the actors. i know this all sounds catty but as a theater girl, i have this innate need to critique everything i see.
so anyway, if you live in sj - i've given you fair warning! ;-)
yeah, that's right, the barry manilow musical.
now, normally, amtsj puts on a pretty good show, and every theater kid in the valley dreams of doing a show there. granted, i have issues with the sound in that theater... but i digress.
the show blew. it was horrible. to put it bluntly, it sucked frozen hosewater. there was barely polite applause (with the excption of the drunk person sitting in house right who kept going, "go lola!!" and "wooooo!") and i felt bad for the actors. i know this all sounds catty but as a theater girl, i have this innate need to critique everything i see.
so anyway, if you live in sj - i've given you fair warning! ;-)
Tuesday, January 9, 2001
so i didn't go to
so i didn't go to the gym today. anyone surprised??
hell no, i'm not surprised. ;-) i always say i'm gonna go but i never do. my legs are too damn sore from modern dance anyway. damn that dance class... i'm lovin' it, but it's soo hard.
my faith in customer service was restored today - after spending a good 20 minutes on the phone with at&t, my phone bill finally got corrected (looong story!). when i asked if i was entitled to a refund, the guy i was talking to said, 'since you're so nice, i'm going to give you a $50 credit.'
um, wow, i think i was owed something like $3.27. maybe less.
he even said i was the most informed person he had ever talked to.
wow, society at large must be stupider than i thought. ;-)
hell no, i'm not surprised. ;-) i always say i'm gonna go but i never do. my legs are too damn sore from modern dance anyway. damn that dance class... i'm lovin' it, but it's soo hard.
my faith in customer service was restored today - after spending a good 20 minutes on the phone with at&t, my phone bill finally got corrected (looong story!). when i asked if i was entitled to a refund, the guy i was talking to said, 'since you're so nice, i'm going to give you a $50 credit.'
um, wow, i think i was owed something like $3.27. maybe less.
he even said i was the most informed person he had ever talked to.
wow, society at large must be stupider than i thought. ;-)
Monday, January 8, 2001
ok, modern dance is kicking
ok, modern dance is kicking my ass. i hurt. a lot.
but damn it, i will go to the gym tomorrow. i will i will i will.
and what idiot scheduled the theater arts senior seminar at eight in the morning?
it's a proven fact that us theater types aren't coherent until a least eleven.
but damn it, i will go to the gym tomorrow. i will i will i will.
and what idiot scheduled the theater arts senior seminar at eight in the morning?
it's a proven fact that us theater types aren't coherent until a least eleven.
Sunday, January 7, 2001
i'm having fun playing with
i'm having fun playing with my new toy. i wish reorganizing my photo album for the page wasn't so damn time consuming...
are there any computer geniuses
are there any computer geniuses out there who can tell me why i can't drag and drop anything on my computer anymore? it's getting really frustrating and i can't seem to fix it.
i just love lazy sundays.
i just love lazy sundays. i was going to get up early and be all productive today... but yeah, didn't do that. hah. i'm trying to clean up my office... well, it' not so much an office yet, but more like the storage room that holds my dsl line and my computer. at some point it will be a lovely little haven... stereo system, couch/sofa bed, tv with cable, vcr, and of course, well decorated with my excessive poster collection. and did i mention computer with dsl?
Saturday, January 6, 2001
well, today started out sunny
well, today started out sunny and nice, but all of a sudden the clouds blew in and now it's grey and cold. i was rather enjoying the 'summer in january' thing that was going on here. and it's freezing in my house. maybe i'll splurge and turn the heater on tonight. ooooh.
Friday, January 5, 2001
why is it that i
why is it that i can never get my ass in bed until after one in the morning? this is a habit i'm going to have to break really quick.... at least, before monday, because tuesday i start my weekly senior comprehensive class that meets at eight in the fucking morning. thank god for oregon chai. mmmmmmm.
Thursday, January 4, 2001
never fails. every thursday i
never fails. every thursday i watch er and every week i get all weepy. why do they have to make the show so damn sad??
Tuesday, January 2, 2001
ok, i live in heaven.
ok, i live in heaven. it's the dead of winter and it's 73 degrees here in santa cruz today! gotta love it.
Monday, January 1, 2001
well, the end of 2000
well, the end of 2000 ended up being rather eventful! me and the g-funks are all finally 21, so rather than spending new years on someone's couch, which is what we usually do, we decided to head to ten15 in the city and go to the spundae party. me and donna got all dolled up and followed the one important rule for clubbing: "there is no such thing as too much glitter!" the drive to the city was uneventful, and we got in line at 6, so we only had to pay $40 to get in (as opposed to $80!) the place was great with a really diverse crowd and good energy. we spent most of the night upstairs, which had fab dj's - michael anthony and ellen ferrato. the countdown in the main room was surreal - crazy lights, lasers, and the biggest disco ball i have ever seen. we were surrounded by a lot of very hot, sweaty excited people who were all dancing their asses off. i got kisses from danny, jeff and jason and angela and cynthia even smooched! there were (supposedly) $5000 worth of balloons dropped from the ceiling, which was way cool. after 5 hours (7 if you count the time we were standing in line) i was sore and tired but we stayed until 4 am so we could hear paul van dyk, who was incredible - and i don't even like house music! breakfast at 4:45 am at the baghdad cafe in the castro district was great... they make great scrambled eggs! we cruised across the bay bridge into berkeley at about 5:30 am... and i put 12/02/94 in the stereo because the night just didn't feel complete - i needed to hear 2001! we finally arrived at cynthia's apartment and crashed sometime after 6 am, but we were up again 6 hours later to head back to san jose!
but now i'm back in santa cruz, getting ready for classes and getting back into the routine. the amount of stuff i left undone over break is staggering and tomorrow looks like it's going to be a busy day.
but the party was sure as hell fun while it lasted. shama sheemy!
but now i'm back in santa cruz, getting ready for classes and getting back into the routine. the amount of stuff i left undone over break is staggering and tomorrow looks like it's going to be a busy day.
but the party was sure as hell fun while it lasted. shama sheemy!
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