Friday, October 22, 2004

checking in.

so, i've been busy lately.. with work, and also on a big household project. So that's why i went awol.

and i'm gonna go awol again for a little while. not feeling very inspired lately, and need to recharge.

I'll be back soon though. ;-) if you need to get in touch with me, just leave a comment.

hope you are all well!


Vanessa said...

Hey Jill,
I didn't get to see Marcel. We finished sealing my grandmother's fence before the crazy rainstorm hit LA. We were too wiped out to go! (I went to bed at 9:30pm!)
I am definitely coming the weekend of the 19th. I get in Thurs night and leave Sunday at like 3pm. Hope we can do lunch. Maybe after church on Sunday?? Let me know what would work with your schedule. I am glad we have had the chance to keep in touch. Have a killer Halloween!