Tuesday, August 30, 2005

We Wants the Redhead!

i am currently geeking out COMPLETELY over 1313 South Harbor Blvd. It's got TONS and TONS of audio from Disneyland, including full ride soundtracks, instrumentals, and weird old stuff that was gone long before i ever went for the first time in the 80's (i was 3!). I heard about this site months ago, but it's been down for ages (no bandwith, bummer). but today it reappeared, so i'm downloading like a fiend.

So if you're a disneyland enthusiast like I am, get over there now and start right-clicking - who knows when the site will go down again!


HitchhikingGhost said...

Im On a Deticated Server Now ... i probably wont be going down soon .... tons of bandwidth ... New podcasts starting Next week .... please Enjoy. I'm Glad You Liked the site